Student Progress

Elementary, Middle Schools

Purpose of Indicator

To determine how students are growing or improving academically in English Language Arts and Math and how the lowest performing 20% of students in a school are growing academically.

What This Means

It measures how students in each school are actually making progress in Reading, Writing, and Math, regardless of where they started.

What makes up the Rating for this indicator?

The results of a value-added system that measures the academic gains of students on English Language Arts and Math, compared to their peers.

Something To Think About

Look at a school’s Student Progress Rating in relation to its Academic Achievement Rating. If the Student Progress Rating is high but the Academic Achievement Rating is low, the school is doing a good job growing students but students are not, on average, meeting state standards at a high rate.

Ex: The best schools have high Academic Achievement and high Student Progress.

Key Message

The economic status of students in a school does not hold students back from growing as learners. Schools serving high poverty populations have and can make incredible progress. This indicator also emphasizes the learning needs of students who are struggling.