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College and Career Ready

High Schools

Purpose of Indicator

The College and Career Ready indicator shows how well students at a particular high school are prepared for college and careers after graduating.

What This Means

This indicator is worth 19 rating points. A high rating for this indicator means a majority of students at the school are demonstrating readiness in at least one of the following college-ready or career-ready goals (see next section).  

What makes up the indicator that leads to a Rating?

To be college-ready, a student must meet one or more of the following: 

  • Scores a composite score of 20 or higher on the ACT, if more than one ACT was taken – the test with the highest composite score will be used; 
  • Scores a total score of 1020 or higher on the SAT, if more than one SAT was taken – the test with the highest total score will be used; 
  • Scores a 3 or higher on an Advanced Placement (AP) exam; 
  • Scores C or higher on any approved Cambridge International Exam 
  • Scores a 4 or higher on an approved International Baccalaureate (IB) assessment; or 
  • Completes at least six (6) credit hours in dual enrollment courses with a grade of C or higher. A list of CCR approved dual enrollment courses can be found at this link. 

To be career-ready, a student must meet one of the following:

    • Is a CTE completer and earns a national or state industry credential as determined by the business community; or
    • Earns a Silver, Gold or Platinum National Career Readiness Certificate on the ACT WorkKeys exam or earns a Level 3 Credential or above on the WIN SC Career Ready Test (SCRT). Note: The WIN SCRT is the current career readiness test provided by WIN in South Carolina. This test is not the same as the WIN Ready to Work (R2W) test, which is no longer offered and on which a student needed to earn a Level 4 Credential or above to be deemed career ready ;or
    • Earns a scale score of 31 or higher on the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB); or
    • Is identified as a student with a disability who successfully completes the South Carolina High School Employability Credential according to their Individualized Education Plan (IEP); or
    • Successfully completes a state-approved work-based learning exit evaluation from an employer. The work-based learning program must include:
    • Training agreement which includes objectives and a minimum of 40 practical experience hours or the highest number of hours required by industry defined competencies in a career pathway;
    • Be aligned with state IGP career clusters;
    • Include an industry evaluation that is created from the training agreement, which includes the world-class skills from the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate; and
    •  The student must have earned a minimum of one unit in the pathway related to the work based placement or completed a personal pathway of study.


      What information is measured in this indicator, but not used to calculate overall ratings ? 

      The participation and passage rates for Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) programs, and dual enrollment courses; 

      College enrollment info; 

      LIFE and Palmetto Fellow Scholarship info; 

      School, School district, and state average ACT and SAT scores. 

      Something To Think About

      Want to see what kinds of opportunities schools are preparing students for post-graduation? Check out the Top Majors section of our Post Grad Dashboard on dasboardsc.sc.gov 


      Key Message: If you heard nothing else, hear this:

      A high school diploma is important, but isn’t sufficient for today’s students. It’s about being prepared for what’s next on a student’s journey. College? Military Service? A Career? There are multiple paths that students can use to achieve successful lives post graduation.