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College and Career Ready

High Schools

Purpose of Indicator

To determine if students who are graduating from a high school are prepared for college or careers after graduating.

What This Means

If students graduating from a high school are prepared for college or a career.

What makes up the indicator that leads to a Rating?

To be college-ready, a student must meet one or more of the following:

Scores a composite score of 20 or higher on the ACT;

Scores a composite score of 1020 or higher on the SAT;

Scores a 3 or higher on an Advanced Placement (AP) exam;

Scores C or higher on any approved Cambridge International Exam

Scores a 4 or higher on an International Baccalaureate (IB) assessment Only higher learning (HL) exams may count; or

Completes at least six (6) credit hours in dual enrollment courses with a grade of C or higher.

To be career-ready, a student must meet one of the following:

Is a CTE completer and earns a national or state industry credential as determined by the business community; or

Earns a Silver, Gold or Platinum National Career Readiness Certificate on the ACT WorkKeys exams or earns a Level 3 Credential or above on the WIN SC Ready Test (SCRT); or

Earns a scale score of 31 or higher on the ASVAB; or

Successfully completes a state-approved work-based learning program; or

Is identified as a student with a disability who successfully completes the South Carolina High School Employability Credential according to their Individualized Education Plan (IEP)

What is measured in this indicator but not included in the Rating OR potential Influencer metrics?

The participation and passage rates for Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB) programs, and dual enrollment courses;

College enrollment info;

LIFE and Palmetto Fellow Scholarship info;

School, School district, and state average ACT and SAT scores.

Something To Think About

This is looking at either the college or career readiness of graduates. This measure does not account for those who don’t graduate.

Want to see what schools are preparing students for what kinds of opportunities post-graduation? Look at the percentages by each of the choices. On what college and career measures are most students in the school meeting?

Key Message: If you heard nothing else, hear this:

#1: A high school diploma is important, but isn’t sufficient for today’s students. It’s about being prepared for what’s next on a student’s journey. College? Military Service? A Career?

#2: There are many ways for our students to achieve success after graduation. A college degree is not the only path.