Graduation Rate

High Schools

Purpose of Indicator

The Graduation Rate shows how many students from the same cohort graduate from high school in four years, earning a high school diploma.

What This Means

This indicator is worth 19 rating points. A high rating point indicates students at that high school are graduating in four years.

What makes up the indicator that leads to a Rating?

This indicator is made up of students in a four-year cohort who graduate in at least 4 years. Transfer students are included in their appropriate graduation cohort.

What information is measured in the indicator, but not used to calculate overall ratings ? 

Dropout Rates

Dropout Recovery Rates ( where students re-enroll in a high school or Adult Education Program after dropping out)

Something To Think About

Compare the high school’s Graduation Rate with the College and Career Ready indicator. A high rating for both indicators show that the school is preparing its students to graduate and preparing them for post graduate success.

Key Message: If you heard nothing else, hear this:

High school graduation rates are no longer an indicator for success alone — you want to see high graduation ratings and high “college and career readiness” ratings. Graduation is just the beginning for students.