Graduation Rate

High Schools

Purpose of Indicator

To determine what percentage of students who entered the high school in the 9th grade, graduated in at least 4 years

What This Means

How well a school does in graduating students in 4 years

What makes up the indicator that leads to a Rating?

Percentage of students who entered the high school in the 9th grade that graduated in at least 4 years

What is measured in this indicator but not included in the rating OR potential Influencer metrics?

Dropout Rates

Dropout Recovery Rates ( where students re-enroll in a high school or Adult Education Program after dropping out)

Something To Think About

Compare the graduation rate at the school with the information in the College and Career Ready Indicator. Does the school have a high percentage of both?

Key Message: If you heard nothing else, hear this:

#1: High school graduation rates are no longer an indicator for success alone. — you want to see high graduation ratings and high “college and career readiness” ratings. Graduation is just the beginning for students.