Dr. Matthew Lavery, EOC’s Director of Research, has published a series of short videos explaining the new 2023 Accountability Manual, which impacts school year 2022-23. Current published videos address the five-year student success, on-track to graduate measures, and the Added-Value Growth measure.
Over the next couple of years, South Carolina’s educational accountability system will be transitioning to a new value-added model for the Student Progress Indicator on its School Report Cards. We developed this new model, called the Added-Value Growth Model, to measure student achievement growth from year to year for the purposes of accountability.
Members of the EOC decided that the Added-Value Growth Model was a better fit than the current growth model and would better support the goals of educational accountability in South Carolina. This video is designed for educators and will give a high-level overview of the Added-Value Growth Model, how we developed it, and how it can help school and district educators to support students’ growth toward proficiency.
The Added-Value Growth Model is a criterion-referenced value-added model that provides individualized growth targets for each student in grades four through eight that, if met, would move them toward proficiency on the grade-level standard and challenge them to continue to excel.
The video that looks at the model on the EOC YouTube channel is designed primarily for educators and will give a high-level overview of the Added-Value Growth Model, how we developed it, and how it can help school and district educators to support students’ growth toward proficiency.EOC YouTube channel, click here.